I had an email question about if any of the toning shoes would be help for a child with Severs disease (calcaneal apophysitis). Firstly the correct name is calcaneal apophysitis and not Severs disease, as its not a disease and it is preferable to no longer name diseases after people. However, Severs is till the most widely used name and is searched more much more often in the search engines.
Secondly, no toning shoes will not help. As the problem with calcaneal apophysitis is with the growth plate at the back of the need bone where the Achilles tendon attaches, toning shoes increase the pull from the Achilles on that growth plate, so are unlikely to be that useful.
If you want a deep dive into Severs disease (Calcaneal apophysitis), then we did this PodChatLive on the condition with a leading expert:
What can be done for Severs disease? Most cases are managed simply with load management and a cushioned heel pad.
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